Step 1: Log into your account and select start campaign
Step 2: Insert your campaign details
- Sequence Name: The name of your campaign
Sender: The sender's name for the purpose of the email signature
Step 3: Add your settings - Tell us a little bit more about your business
- Client Name: Your company name
Description: A brief description about what your business does
Pain Points: 2-4 pain points that your business or services aims
to resolve
- Keywords: 2-3 keywords associated with your business
Social Proof: Names of previous client or partners, any
significant accreditation or case studies (one or two sentences)
Mandatory Text: Text or phrasing that has to be included in all
Strategic Advantages: 2-4 strategic advantages of your business
that sets you part from competitors
Step 4: Upload your CSV file
*You can download a sample csv for correct template
Finalise your campaign settings
Steps: The number of email steps you require ( tokens will be
calculated based on number of prospects x number of steps )
Call to Action: Select call type of call to action to be included
in your email content
Click Continue & Let the magic happen!